Peter Palik

In 2003, Peter Palik graduated from Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, where he majored in environmental education. Later, he started his studies of puppet direction and dramaturgy at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, where he also completed his doctoral study in 2009. In 2008–2014, he worked as a dramaturg at the Puppet Theatre in Žilina, where he co-established the Puppet Žilina festival. In 2013–2017, he worked as an in-house director for the Spiš Theatre in Spišská Nová Ves. He also collaborated with the Bratislava Puppet Theatre, the Puppet Theatre in Košice, and the Slovak Radio. Since 2011, he has worked as a pedagogue at the Department of Puppetry, Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts. In 2017, he became associate professor. He has worked with amateur theatres in Prievidza – the “A” Theatre and the Shanti Theatre. At present, he is the artistic director at the Jozef Gregor Tajovský Theatre in Zvolen and works as a director for other theatres in Slovakia and the V4 countries.

Palik has made productions for adults and systematically created works for children as well. He is the author of two books of fairy tales: Once Upon a Time, There Was a Rock (2006) and Tales from the Palette (2007, co-authored with Ján Uličiansky), as well as of theatre and radio plays and dramatizations. In 2017, he published a collection of dramatic texts entitled 1+3 Puppet Plays. His productions are regularly included in Slovak and international theatre festivals. Palik has won numerous awards for his work.