Ľubomír Vajdička
Upon graduation from the college of electrical engineering in Bratislava, Mr Vajdička went on to pursue theatre studies at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava (1963 – 1968). From early on he was drawn to stage directing, acquiring his first experience in amateur company OB Nivy. The ensemble that brought together university students was to receive a number of awards. Mr Vajdička continued working with amateurs after he arrived in the city of Martin, where he worked, to much acclaim, with the ensemble in the village of Dubové by the spa town Turčianske Teplice. Between 1968 and 1983 he was staff stage director at the Slovak National Uprising Theatre in Martin (today known as the Slovak Chamber Theatre). He staged there a range of inimitable productions particularly from among the Slovak and Russian classical works. Together with the set designers Jozef Ciller and Juraj Fábry the team presented a number of concepts in actin set design, a phenomenon of the 1970s and 1980s that was marked by new opportunities of production approach. It brought a deviation from the classical peep-hole theatre, excessive accent on visual art, illusion and complex set solution. Quite on the contrary, the set design worked with minimum number of props, many of which bore multiple meanings and purposes.
The period of 1981 – 1984 saw Mr Vajdička at the National Theatre in Prague and that of 1983 – 2010 at the Slovak National Theatre in Bratislava. He was regular guest in a number of theatres in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (such as the National Theatre Prague and Brno, National Moravian–Silesian Theatre Ostrava, Theatre Thália and State Theatre in Košice, The Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav City Theatre in Bratislava, The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra). Mr Vajdička also worked, as screen director, for the television (the dedicated Monday series of such productions as Jozef Gregor Tajovský´s New Life, 1973; Božena Slančíková – Timrava´s and Ondrej Šulaj´s The Ťapáks, 1977; V. Shukshin: The Courting), 1973; Francis Scott Fitzgerald: Gretchen’s Forty Winks, 1988; Guy de Maupassant: The Prize, 1990). At the Slovak National Theatre, in collaboration with the playwright and dramaturge Peter Pavlac, he staged a number of productions of some of the foremost Slovak prose (B. Slančíková-Timrava: A Great Deal of Luck, 2003; Martin Kukučín: The House on the Hillside, 2006; Ivan Horváth: The Jurga Brothers, 2013). At the Slovak Chamber Theatre in Martin staged together with Pavlac the dramatisation of Ján Rozner´s memoir Seven Days to the Funeral (2012). Since 1990 Mr Vajdička is also lecturer at the Theatre Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts. He is author of a number of translations of plays from Russian, French and German (such as Eugene Ionesco: The Bald Soprano, G. Feydeau: A Flea in Her Hair, E. Ionesco: The Chairs, I. Turgenev: A Month in the Country, Anton Chekhov: Three Sisters, Nikolai Gogol: The Gamblers). Mr Vajdička is laureate of two DOSKY Awards for Best Production in Season: The Chairs (1999, SND) and Seven Days to the Funeral (2012, SKD Martin).
Based on the masters of his staged works, one identifies three fundamental lines in Mr Vajdička´s directorial work: Russian, Slovak and world classics. His tendency towards Slovak and Russian classical stage plays was already discernible as early as during his tenure in Martin. His objective distance and thorough text analysis enabled him to overcome the established orthodox approach to classical texts, schemes and staging methods. In his own words, he understands contemporary interpretation of the classics as utter move from the author, or the move of the meaning within the structural axis of the authors text.
This approach enabled him to use the classics to express his view of the past, whilst seeking analogy with the presence (Ján Palárik: Incognito, 1971, 1979; Anton Chekhov: Ivanov, 1976; Ján Chalupka: Kocúrkovo, 1978; Anton Chekhov: Cherry Orchard, 1979; Ján Hollý: Kubo, 1981; Maxim Gorki: Barbarians, 1982; Anton Ostrovski: The Forest, 1982). Mr Vajdička was unafraid to face polemically earlier interpretations and to strip the classics of sentimentalism, romanticism, idealisation, the realism introduced by Borodáč and puritanism of Zachar. He didn’t shy away from sarcasm and farce (The Foundling, 1973; Just Another Cup of Tea, 1974, 1976, 1992; Kocúrkovo or If We Could but Stop Living in Shame, 1978; The Ťapáks,1975; Kubo, 1981). Together with the set designers Jozef Ciller and Juraj Fábry he approached set design not as illustration, atmosphere or description of the context, but as a function of storyline, conflict and situation.
After joining the Slovak National Theatre, he added the world classics in the focus of interest, whilst applying the same staging method (A. Strindberg: Miss Julie, 1986; Euripides: Medea, 1985; H. Ibsen: An Enemy of the People, 1989; Ján Uličiansky: Allergy, 1995; E. Ionesco: The Chairs, 1999; L. Pirandello: Right You Are, If You Think You Are, 1993, L. Ballek, O. Šulaj: The Helper, 2000; Sofokles: Oedipus the King, 2001; M. McDonagh: The Pillowman, 2004).
Ľubomír Vajdička is an author who pays due respect to stage text; he refrains from any violent transformation, quite on the contrary, he uses subtle epistemology moves to offer a new textual interpretation, whilst being essentially interested in human predicament. In interpretation of classical works he is unafraid of discovering new, hitherto unknown epistemological positions and associations. Factual, yet full-fleshed realism, precise thought concepts, sensitive work with actors, sense of metaphor and symbolism, multi-level art elements are the main characteristics of Vajdička’s direction.
(Author: Martina Daubravová, published online May 2020)
- 1968 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Eugène Labiche: An Italian Straw Hat
- 1968 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Ivan Stodola: Marína Havranová
- 1969 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Heinrich von Kleist: The Broken Jug
- 1969 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Robert Bolt: A Man for All Seasons
- 1969 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Nikolaj Gogol: The Gamblers
- 1970 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Anton Chekhov: Swan Song, The Bear, The Jubilee
- 1971 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Ján Palárik: Incognito
- 1971 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Egon Rannet: The Poachers
- 1971 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Ion Luca Caragiale: Only During A Carnival
- 1972 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Alexander Ostrovski: Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man
- 1972 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Leonid Leonov: Golden Carriage
- 1973 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Ben Jonson: The Alchemyst
- 1973 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Jonáš Záborský: The Foundling
- 1973 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Émile Verhaeren: Philip II
- 1974 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Karel Čapek: The Robber
- 1974 / Puppet Theatre Žilina/ Ľubomír Vajdička: Margita and Besná
- 1974 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Ivan Stodola: Tea for Two
- 1974 / Teatr Nikola Vapcarov Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria/ Ivan Bukovčan: Snyag nad kedara
- 1975 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Štefan Králik: Rebel
- 1975 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Fiodor Michajlovič Dostojevskij: Idiot
- 1975 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Hans Christian Andersen: The Tinderbox
- 1975 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Božena Slančíková-Timrava, Ondrej Šulaj: The Ťapáks
- 1976 / The Theatre Nová scéna, Bratislava / Ivan Stodola: Tea for Two
- 1976 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Osvald Zahradník: A Sonatina for the Peacock
- 1976 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Anton Pavlovič Čechov: Ivanov
- 1976 / Theatre of E. F. Burian, Prague / William Shakespeare: Falstaff and the Prince Jindra
- 1977 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Peter Kováčik: Under the Green Tree
- 1977 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Friedrich Johann Christoph Schiller: Intrigue and Love
- 1977 / Regional Puppet Theatre in Banská Bystrica / František Hubín: Beauty and the Beast
- 1978 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Ján Chalupka: Kocúrkovo or If We Could but Stop Living in Shame
- 1978 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / William Shakespeare: As You Like It and Twelfth Night
- 1978 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / George Bernard Shaw: The Devil’s Disciple
- 1979 / Theatre Nová scéna, Bratislava / Ján Palárik: Incognito
- 1979 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Stanislav Stratiev: Velour Jacket
- 1979 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Peter Ševčovič: The Group
- 1979 / Regional Puppet Theatre in Banská Bystrica / Carlo Gozzi: King Stag
- 1979 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Anton Chekhov: Cherry Orchard
- 1980 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Ivan Turgenev: A Month in the Country
- 1980 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Ladislav Ballek, Ondrej Šulaj: The Helper
- 1980 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Konstantin Iliev: A Flower for Draginko
- 1981 / National Theatre, Prague / Maxim Gorkij: Summer Guests
- 1981 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Jozef Hollý: Kubo
- 1981 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin/ Alexander Vampilev: Last Summer in Chulimsk
- 1982 / National Theatre, Prague / Friedrich Johann Christoph Schiller: Inrigue and Love
- 1982 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Alexander Ostrovski: The Forest
- 1982 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Osvald Zahradník: The Mistake of Surgeon Moresseni
- 1982 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Gennadi Mamlin: Long Live Dinosaurs!
- 1982 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Maxim Gorki: The Barbarians
- 1983 / National Theatre, Prague / Ivan Stodola: The Shepherd’s Wife
- 1983 / The Theatre of Slovak National Uprising, Martin / Oldřich Daněk: A Message about the Surgery of City N.
- 1983 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Ladislav Obuch: Lady of the Sea
- 1984 / National Theatre, Prague / Anton Chekhov: Cherry Orchard
- 1984 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Ján Solovič: The Bell without a Temple
- 1984 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Anton Chekhov: Three Sisters
- 1984 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Alexander Ostrovski: A Profitable Job
- 1985 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Ján Solovič: Peter and Paul
- 1985 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Euripides: Medea
- 1986 / National Theatre, Prague / Moliére: Misanthrope
- 1986 / Theatre Studio, APA, Bratislava / Luca Ion Caragiale: A Lost Letter
- 1986 / Theatre Studio, APA, Bratislava/ Denis Diderot, Milan Kundera: Jacques the Fatalist
- 1986 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Ivan Stodola: Jožko Púčik and His Career
- 1986 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / August Strindberg: Miss Julie
- 1986 / agency production, Praha/ Peter Shaffer: Black Comedy
- 1987 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Ján Solovič: A Very Daring Project
- 1987 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Maxim Gorki: Summer Guests
- 1988 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Carlo Goldoni: Plays about Summerhouse
- 1989 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Henrik Ibsen: An Enemy of the People
- 1990 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Georges Feydeau: A Flea in Her Ear
- 1990 / Theatre Studio, APA, Bratislava / Peter Weiss: Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat
- 1990 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Henrik Ibsen: The Wild Duck
- 1991 / Theatre Studio, APA, Bratislava / Carlo Gozzi: King Stag
- 1991 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Peter Shaffer: Lettice and Lovage
- 1992 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Ivan Stodola: Tea for Two
- 1993 / National Theatre, Prague / Jean Racine: Britannicus
- 1993 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Luigi Pirandello: Right You Are, If You Think You Are
- 1993 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Jozef Cíger Hronský, Ľubomír Vajdička: Andreas Búr Majster
- 1993 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: The Impressario / La finta giardiniera
- 1994 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux: Fake Servant or Feigned Inconstancy
- 1994 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / William Shakespeare: Midsummer Night’s Dream
- 1995 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Peter Karvaš: Patriots from the City of Yo hence A Kingdom for the Killer
- 1995 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Ján Uličiansky: Allergy
- 1995 / Studio L+S, Bratislava / Donald Churchill: The Decorator
- 1996 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Martin Sherman: When She Danced
- 1996 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Július Barč-Ivan: Greasy Pot
- 1997 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Nikolai Gogol: Marriage
- 1997 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Alfred de Musset: Lorenzaccio
- 1997 / State Puppet Theatre in Bratislava / Jaroslav Kvapil: Princess Dandelion
- 1998 / National Theatre, Prague / Henrik Ibsen: John Gabriel Borkman
- 1998 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Luigi Pirandello: Six Characters in Search of an Author
- 1998 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Ion Luca Caragiale: A Lost Letter
- 1998 / Theatre WEST, Bratislava / Robert Thomas: The Mandarin Room
- 1998 / State Puppet Theatre in Bratislava / Josef Kainar: Goldilocks
- 1999 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Anton Chekhov: The Seagull
- 1999 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Eugéne Ionesco: The Chairs
- 2000 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Ladislav Ballek, Ondrej Šulaj: The Helper
- 2000 / National Theatre, Prague / Friedrich Schiller: Mary Stuart
- 2001 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Steve Martin: Picasso at the Lapin Agile
- 2001 / National Theatre Brno / Per Olov Enquist: The Image Makers
- 2001 / Theatre WEST, Bratislava / Luigi Lunari: Three on the Swing
- 2001 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Sophocle: Oedipus the King
- 2002 / The Radek Brzobohatý Theatre, Prague / Paula Vogel: The Oldest Profession
- 2002 / Theatre WEST, Bratislava / Neil Simon: Last of the Red Hot Lovers
- 2002 / Slovak Chamber Theatre Martin / Paula Vogel: The Oldest Profession
- 2003 / National Theatre Brno / Martin McDonagh: The Lonesome West
- 2003 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Božena Slančíková-Timrava: A Great Deal of Luck
- 2004 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / John Murell: Memoir: A Play about Sarah Bernhardt’s Last Summer
- 2004 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Roman Olekšák: Silence / Leopold Lahola, Peter Pavlac: Speaking to an Enemy
- 2004 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Martin McDonagh: The Pillowman
- 2005 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Georges Feydeau: Cat Among the Pigeons
- 2005 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Ingvar Ambjornsen: Praise to Madness or Elling and Kjell Bjarne
- 2005 / National Theatre Brno / Georges Feydeau: From Marriage to Divorce
- 2006 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Victor Haim: La valse du hazard
- 2007 / The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra / Jozef Gregor Tajovský: Estates – Confusions
- 2007 / National Moravian–Silesian Theatre Ostrava, Ostrava / Anton Chekhov: The Seagull
- 2008 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Martin Kukučín, Peter Pavlac: The House on the Hillside
- 2008 / National Moravian–Silesian Theatre Ostrava / Ira Levin: Death Trap
- 2008 / The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra / Michael Frayn: Noises off!
- 2009 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Jean Anouilh: The Waltz of the Toreadors
- 2009 / The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra / Alan Ayckbourn: Season’s Greetings
- 2010 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Nikolai Gogol: The Gamblers
- 2011 / Arteatro, Bratislava / David Mamet: A Life in the Theatre
- 2011 / The Ján Palárik Theatre in Trnava / Eugéne Labiche: La station Champbaudet
- 2011 / Theatre Nová scéna, Bratislava / Brandon Thomas: Charley’s Aunt
- 2011 / State Theatre Košice / Jean Anouilh: Bye, Bye Birdie
- 2012 / The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra / Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice
- 2012 / Slovak Chamber Theatre Martin / Ján Rozner, Peter Pavlac: Seven Days to the Funeral
- 2012 / Theatre Thália, Košice / Yasmina Reza: Art
- 2013 / The Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra / Eugene Ionesco: The Bald Soprano
- 2013 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Ivan Horváth, Peter Pavlac: The Jurga Brothers
- 2013 / State Theatre Košice / William Shakespeare: Macbeth
- 2014 / Slovak National Theatre, Bratislava / Johann Nepomuk Nestroy: Mr Mimo
- 2014 / The Jonáš Záborský Theatre, Prešov / Alexander Ostrovsky: It’s Not All Shrovetide for the Cat
- 2014 / Theatre Thália Színház, Košice / Ferenc Molnár: Liliom
- 2015 / Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava / Georges Feydeau: Redillon
- 2015 / Slovak Chamber Theatre Martin / José López Rubio: The Dead See It Differently
- 2015 / City Theatre Žilina / Maxim Gorki: The Counterfeit Coin
- 2016 / The Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav City Theatre, Bratislava / Florian Zeller: The Truth
- 2016 / The Spiš Theatre Spišská Nová Ves / Alexander Ostrovsky: Late Love
- 2017 / City Theatre Žilina / David Gieselmann: The Pigeons
- 2017 / The Spiš Theatre Spišská Nová Ves / Georges Feydeau: A Taylor for Ladies or Made to Measure
- 2018 / agency production / Alan Ayckbourn: I Will Introduce You to Dad
- 2018 / State Theatre Košice / Ladislav Stroupežnický: Our Swaggerers
- 2019 / City Theatre Zlín/ Arthur Miller: Death of A Salesman
- 2020 / Andrej Bagar Theatre in Nitra, Nitra / Jane Austenová, Ľubomír Vajdička: Miss Elliot’s Love
- 2021 / Spiš Theatre, Spišská Nová Ves / Oscar Wilde: The Importance of Being Earnest
- 2000 / DOSKY for Best Production and Best Director for Eugene Ionesco: The Chairs, SND
- 2012 / DOSKY for Best Production Ján Rozner / Peter Pavlac: Seven Days to the Funeral, SKD Martin