Juraj Poliak
Stage and costume designs

Dušan Makovický sa obesil vo svojom rodnom dome, 2023, City Theatre Žilina. Work type: model.
Archive: archív Juraja Poliaka.

D1 (working title), 2021, Slovak Chamber Theatre, Martin. Work type: model.
Archive: archive of Juraj Poliak.

D1 (pracovný názov), 2021, Slovak Chamber Theatre, Martin. Work type: object.
Archive: archív Juraja Poliaka.

BLA-BLA-BLA, 2020, Odivo, Banská Bystrica. Work type: performance.
Archive: archive of Juraj Poliak / photo M. Jančúch.

The Absence of Wonders Exhausts Us (Prague Quadrennial), 2019, Honey and Dust, Bratislava. Work type: object.
Archive: archive of Juraj Poliak.

EU.GENUS, 2018, Honey and Dust, Bratislava. Work type: installation.
Archive: archive of Juraj Poliak.

Dark Night +/- Paintings for Deers, 2017, Honey and Dust, Bratislava. Work type: performance.
Archive: archive of Juraj Poliak.